Saturday, June 28, 2014

National Junior Show in Louisville, KY

We just returned home from our big event of the summer for our family. Each year we attend the Junior Nationals as a family. Each year we go and help other families with their cattle and kids, but this year we did all the above plus our oldest son Grady (5 yrs old) took a heifer of his own......We were a little nervous but Grady did great. He showed well for his first time in the ring and his hard work paid off. He was selected as the Reserve Junior National Champion Fullblood Female!!

The ranch that I manage exhibited cattle in Louisville as well. Several females that we raised we there and had success in the ring as well. Devon Morton's fall heifer won the She's A Lady Shoot Out Futurity and was the youngest female in the show! This one was special not only because it's a tough one to win but she was bred here on the ranch
Hunter Morton exhibited the 5th Overall Maine-Anjou Female this year. We were super excited for Hunter. His heifer had done some winning this past winter but for Hunter he was ready for a "big win" as he said, and I am thrilled to be a part of his success. 

Our good friends, The Moore's, had a Junior National that they will never forget!! Champion High % and Low % Maine Females both in the same year. There isn't a family that works at it any harder than they do and we are super proud of their achievements.